Guardian Angel Asmodel

Guardian Angel Asmodel: Angel of Patience and Perseverance

Written by: The Angelic Throne



Time to read 7 min

Discovering the Guardian Angel Asmodel: Protector of Patience and Perseverance

Guardian angels are divine beings assigned to guide and protect individuals throughout their earthly journey. One of these celestial protectors is Angel Asmodel, an angel often associated with patience, perseverance, and stability. Delving into the mysteries of Asmodel offers profound insights into the characteristics, virtues, and powers of this guardian angel, making him an essential figure for those seeking inner strength and guidance.

The Virtues and Powers of Asmodel

Asmodel is renowned for his ability to impart patience and perseverance to those under his guardianship. These virtues are crucial in helping individuals navigate the challenges and trials of life with calmness and determination. Asmodel’s influence encourages resilience, enabling one to endure hardships with grace and maintain focus on long-term goals.

Asmodel also represents stability, which is a cornerstone for building a balanced and harmonious life. Under his guidance, individuals often find themselves more grounded, capable of making decisions with clarity, and less swayed by emotional turbulence. This stability extends to various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and personal development, ensuring a strong foundation for growth and success.

Angelic Choir and Element of Asmodel

Asmodel belongs to the Angelic Choir of Cherubim, a group known for their wisdom and enlightenment. Cherubim are often depicted as beings of great knowledge, tasked with guarding the secrets of the universe and the divine. Their role is to illuminate the minds of those they protect, offering insight and understanding that go beyond ordinary perception. Asmodel, as a Cherubim, brings a deep sense of awareness and consciousness to those he guides, helping them to see the bigger picture in life.

The element associated with Asmodel is Earth. This connection further emphasizes his role in fostering stability and grounding. Earth is symbolic of the material world, the physical plane where we live and interact. Asmodel’s earth element ties him to the cycles of nature, growth, and the nurturing aspects of the planet. This element strengthens his ability to help individuals build strong foundations, both spiritually and materially.

The Color and Stones of Asmodel

Asmodel is often associated with the color green, which is symbolic of growth, renewal, and the nurturing aspects of nature. Green is a color that resonates with healing energy, bringing peace and balance to those who embrace it. When invoking Asmodel’s guidance, surrounding oneself with the color green, whether through clothing, décor, or visualization, can enhance the connection and amplify his supportive energy.

The stones linked to Asmodel are emerald and jade. These gemstones are known for their powerful healing properties and their ability to promote growth and prosperity. Emerald, with its deep green hue, is a stone of rebirth and renewal, aligning perfectly with Asmodel’s attributes of patience and perseverance. Jade, another green stone, is revered for its ability to attract harmony and balance, helping individuals maintain a peaceful and stable state of mind.

Sephiroth and Ruling Archangel

In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Asmodel is associated with the Sephiroth Netzach, which represents victory and endurance. Netzach is the force that drives individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve success through perseverance and tenacity. Asmodel’s connection to Netzach highlights his role in helping individuals achieve their goals by instilling a sense of determination and unwavering commitment.

Asmodel is ruled by the Archangel Haniel, an angel known for her connection to love, beauty, and harmony. Haniel’s influence brings a sense of grace and balance to Asmodel’s guidance, ensuring that the patience and perseverance he imparts are infused with compassion and understanding. This combination of energies makes Asmodel a powerful ally for those seeking to overcome challenges while maintaining a loving and harmonious approach to life.

The Planetary Influence and Angelic Number of Asmodel

Asmodel is linked to the planet Venus, which governs love, beauty, and artistic expression. Venus’s influence on him adds a layer of warmth and affection to his protective qualities, making him an ideal guardian for those seeking to cultivate harmonious relationships and a deeper appreciation for life’s beauty. Under Asmodel’s guidance, individuals may find themselves drawn to creative pursuits and the expression of love in all its forms.

The angelic number associated with Asmodel is 6, a number that resonates with balance, harmony, and responsibility. In numerology, 6 is often seen as a number of nurturing and care, embodying the qualities of a caretaker or healer. Asmodel’s connection to this number further emphasizes his role as a stabilizing force, guiding individuals to find balance in their lives and take responsibility for their actions and decisions.

Connecting with Guardian Angel Asmodel

For those seeking to connect with this angel, there are several practices that can help foster a deeper relationship with this guardian angel. Meditation and prayer are powerful tools for opening oneself up to angelic guidance. By setting aside time each day to focus on Asmodel’s energy, individuals can create a sacred space for communication and receive the wisdom and support they need.

Creating an altar dedicated to Asmodel can also enhance the connection. An altar can be as simple or elaborate as one desires, but it should include elements that resonate with his energy, such as green candles, emerald or jade stones, and symbols of the Earth. Placing offerings such as fresh flowers, particularly those with green hues, or burning incense with earthy scents like sandalwood or patchouli can further strengthen the bond.

A Prayer to Invoke Asmodel’s Guidance

Calling upon Asmodel through prayer is an effective way to seek his guidance and protection. Here is a simple yet powerful prayer to invoke Asmodel’s presence:

“Dear Guardian Angel Asmodel,

I call upon you to guide me with your unwavering patience and strength.

Help me to remain grounded and steady in the face of life’s challenges.

Instill in me the perseverance to pursue my goals with determination,

And the wisdom to find balance in all that I do.

Surround me with your protective energy,

And lead me on the path of stability and growth.


This prayer can be recited during meditation, at the altar, or whenever one feels the need for Asmodel’s support. Regularly engaging in this practice can deepen the connection with Asmodel, making his guidance more apparent in daily life.

Enhancing Angelic Power with Holy Oils

Using holy oils is another way to connect with and amplify the energy of guardian angels. A special blend of holy oil dedicated to him can be made with ingredients that resonate with his attributes. Here is a simple recipe:


  • Olive oil as a base
  • Essential oils of sandalwood, patchouli, and cedarwood
  • A small piece of emerald or jade


  1. Begin by pouring the olive oil into a small glass bottle.
  2. Add a few drops of each essential oil, focusing on the intention of connecting with Asmodel.
  3. Place the emerald or jade into the bottle, allowing the stone’s energy to infuse the oil.
  4. Seal the bottle and store it in a cool, dark place for a few days to allow the oils to blend.

This holy oil can be used to anoint candles, the skin, or objects placed on the altar. Anointing oneself with the oil before meditation or prayer can enhance the connection with Asmodel and invite his stabilizing energy into one’s life.

Offerings to Honor Asmodel

Making offerings is a traditional way to honor guardian angels and invite their blessings into your life. For Asmodel, offerings that resonate with his earth element and green color are particularly effective. Fresh green herbs, such as basil or mint, can be placed on the altar as an offering. Similarly, small bowls of natural earth or clay, representing the stability and grounding qualities of the earth element, can also be offered.

Other meaningful offerings include green gemstones like emerald or jade, as well as flowers, particularly those with green hues like green chrysanthemums or green hydrangeas. These offerings can be left on the altar for a few days as a sign of respect and devotion, then returned to the earth in a natural setting, such as a garden or under a tree.

Signs That Asmodel Is Near

When Asmodel is near, individuals may experience certain signs that indicate his presence. These signs can include a sudden sense of calmness or stability during stressful situations, or the appearance of green in unexpected places, such as seeing green feathers, flowers, or objects in everyday life. These subtle signs are his way of letting his presence be known, offering reassurance and guidance to those he protects.

Another sign of Asmodel’s presence is a heightened sense of patience and perseverance. You may find yourself more tolerant of delays or obstacles, and more willing to work steadily toward your goals without becoming frustrated or discouraged. This shift in mindset is a direct influence of his energy, helping you to stay grounded and focused on what truly matters.

Embrace the Guidance of Asmodel

Asmodel is a guardian angel who embodies patience, perseverance, and stability. By connecting with his energy, individuals can find the strength to overcome challenges and build a life grounded in balance and harmony. Whether through prayer, meditation, or offerings, embracing the guidance of him can bring profound transformation and a deeper sense of peace into your life.


Golden Cloud

My name is Golden Cloud, and I am an angelic medium. I have the unique privilege of communicating with angels and archangels who entrust me with vital information and specific instructions. My role is to assist individuals by offering spiritual support through prayers, providing specially blessed amulets, and crafting protective talismans and charms. Additionally, I guide people in spiritual initiations and help them establish profound connections with their guardian angels. Through these divine interactions, I aim to bring peace, guidance, and positive change to others' lives. Welcome to Angelic Throne, where spiritual guidance and angelic wisdom flourish.

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