Guardian Angel Mitzrael

Guardian Angel Mitzrael: The Divine Force of Reparation and Renewal

Written by: The Angelic Throne



Time to read 7 min

Guardian Angel Mitzrael: The Angel of Reparation and Obedience

Guardian Angel Mitzrael, also known as the Angel of Reparation, is a powerful figure in the celestial hierarchy, associated with healing, obedience, and the rectification of wrongs. Angel Mitzrael is considered one of the 72 angels of the Shem HaMephorash, a divine group in Kabbalistic teachings, where each angel governs five degrees of the zodiac.Angel Mitzrael is the 60th of these angels, and his influence is said to bring about inner balance, helping individuals recognize their errors and work towards spiritual and personal growth.

This angel governs those born between January 16 and January 20, falling under the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Angel Mitzrael is one of the nine angels of the Choir of Archangels, ruled by Archangel Raphael, who is known for healing and guiding humanity toward spiritual wisdom.

Attunement with Mitzrael

Angel Mitzrael is an angel of reparation, meaning that he aids those seeking to correct mistakes from their past and guides them towards the path of redemption. Attuning to Angel Mitzrael can bring clarity to unresolved conflicts, both internal and external, and encourage the recognition of the divine justice that operates in our lives. People can connect with Angel Mitzrael by invoking his presence in meditation, prayer, or through the use of his sigil and enn (if used in certain mystical or Kabbalistic practices).

To establish attunement with Mitzrael, one can light white or blue candles, signifying purity and wisdom, as these colors resonate with this angel’s energy. An environment of peace, calmness, and introspection enhances the connection with his spirit, making it easier to receive guidance for inner healing.

Planetary Influence

Guardian Angel Mitzrael is connected to the planet Mercury, the celestial body of communication, intellect, and reasoning. Mercury's influence emphasizes the angel's role in helping individuals think clearly and recognize their mistakes, especially in matters related to intellectual pursuits or interpersonal conflicts. Angel Mitzrael brings insight to those who seek to rectify misjudgments, making his influence valuable for those involved in communication, writing, or intellectual work. He promotes logical thinking and the ability to analyze situations from different perspectives.

Because of this link to Mercury, Angel Mitzrael also aids in improving mental health and resolving psychological turmoil. For those suffering from stress, anxiety, or confusion, invoking Mitzrael can bring calm, rational thought, and mental clarity.

Metal Associated with Mitzrael

The metal corresponding to Angel Mitzrael is Mercury (quicksilver). Although Mercury is a liquid at room temperature and not a typical metal in the conventional sense, it holds alchemical significance, representing transformation and adaptability. Just as Mitzrael helps individuals transform their inner selves and correct their course, Mercury symbolizes change and the potential for growth. The connection between Angel Mitzrael and this metal further emphasizes his role in helping us repair past mistakes and evolve spiritually.

Element: Earth

Angel Mitzrael's element is Earth, symbolizing stability, grounding, and practicality. As an angel who focuses on reparation and obedience, Earth’s energy grounds individuals, helping them recognize their practical responsibilities and obligations. The Earth element represents the foundation from which people can rebuild and move forward after realizing their mistakes. It is the grounding force necessary to implement the changes Angel Mitzrael inspires, ensuring that spiritual growth and repentance are met with real-world application and perseverance.

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Those born under the astrological sign of Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) are naturally aligned with Mitzrael's energy, particularly those born between January 16 and January 20, as this is the period governed by the angel. Capricorns are known for their discipline, responsibility, and drive for success. These traits make them especially receptive to Angel Mitzrael's guidance, as he assists them in addressing their shortcomings while encouraging them to continue striving for excellence in all aspects of their lives.

Angel Mitzrael helps Capricorns—and others attuned to his energy—achieve spiritual and personal success by fostering their inherent qualities of perseverance and diligence, while also helping them overcome obstacles related to pride, stubbornness, or rigidity.

Offerings to Mitzrael

Offering rituals to Angel Mitzrael can help deepen your connection with this angel and enhance your intentions for healing and transformation. The most appropriate offerings to Mitzrael include:

  1. White or Blue Candles – Representing purity, mental clarity, and peace.
  2. Incense – Frankincense or sandalwood can be used, as these scents purify the environment and elevate spiritual focus.
  3. Crystals – Stones like clear quartz or blue sapphire resonate with Mitzrael’s energy, helping to amplify mental clarity and wisdom.
  4. Written Intentions – Writing down mistakes, challenges, or areas needing healing and leaving these under the candle or crystal can be symbolic of asking for Mitzrael’s guidance in rectifying those areas.
  5. Herbs – Herbs associated with Mercury, such as lavender and thyme, can be burned or placed as offerings, promoting mental balance and calmness.

When making these offerings, it's important to focus on the desire for personal growth and healing, expressing gratitude for Mitzrael’s guidance in the process.

Relationship and Symbiosis with Other Angels and Deities

Angel Mitzrael works closely with Archangel Raphael, the archangel of healing, as both celestial beings focus on restoration and health—both physical and spiritual. Raphael helps heal the wounds, while Angel Mitzrael assists in correcting the underlying causes of those wounds, ensuring that spiritual lessons are learned, and growth occurs. Together, these angels create a powerful force for those seeking redemption and renewal.

Mitzrael’s energy also resonates with other angels in the Archangelic Choir, especially those who guide human communication and intellectual pursuits, such as Angel Vehuel and Angel Yeiazel. Angel Mitzrael’s influence complements the work of these angels, helping individuals not only seek forgiveness but also apply the wisdom gained from past mistakes to improve their future.

Cultural Connections

Angel Mitzrael’s role as an angel of reparation connects him with various religious and mystical traditions where themes of forgiveness, atonement, and healing are central. In Jewish Kabbalah, angels like Mitzrael are invoked during rituals for personal improvement, with Angel Mitzrael’s role focused on helping individuals recognize and repair their wrongs. In Christian angelology, Mitzrael may be connected with the concept of grace—where individuals seek divine help in overcoming their sins and finding redemption through prayer and good works.

In esoteric practices, especially those influenced by Hermetic traditions, Angel Mitzrael is invoked for mental clarity and emotional healing. He is seen as a guide who assists those who feel burdened by guilt or who have struggled with mental health challenges, providing a way forward that involves both spiritual and psychological healing.

Representation in Literature and Media

Angel Mitzrael, while not as commonly depicted in mainstream literature and media as some other angels, has been referenced in works dealing with Kabbalistic and angelic themes. His themes of repentance and reparation align with many literary archetypes involving characters seeking redemption or correcting past wrongs.

In occult literature, Mitzrael appears as part of lists of angels used in ceremonial magic or theurgic rituals, where practitioners seek his help in overcoming personal difficulties or mental anguish. Angel Mitzrael’s influence is often invoked in moments of self-realization or when individuals seek to make amends for past misdeeds.

Misconceptions About Mitzrael

One misconception about Angel Mitzrael is that he only deals with punishment or harsh correction. In truth, Angel Mitzrael’s energy is more restorative than punitive. He does not seek to cause harm or harshly discipline those who make mistakes, but rather he encourages growth and learning. His energy is about understanding the consequences of one's actions and making efforts to correct them through positive change.

Another misconception is that Angel Mitzrael only assists those born under his zodiac sign. While he does have a special connection with Capricorns, particularly those born between January 16 and 20, his guidance is available to anyone seeking forgiveness, healing, and mental clarity. His assistance is universal for those willing to reflect on their actions and seek improvement.

Guardian Angel Mitzrael is a beacon of hope for those seeking reparation and healing in their lives. His influence encourages deep reflection, helping individuals come to terms with their mistakes and guiding them toward the path of redemption. His connections to Mercury and the Earth element further enhance his ability to bring mental clarity and grounding to those in need. By invoking Angel Mitzrael, individuals can find the strength to correct their wrongs, grow spiritually, and achieve a sense of peace and inner balance.


Golden Cloud

My name is Golden Cloud, and I am an angelic medium. I have the unique privilege of communicating with angels and archangels who entrust me with vital information and specific instructions. My role is to assist individuals by offering spiritual support through prayers, providing specially blessed amulets, and crafting protective talismans and charms. Additionally, I guide people in spiritual initiations and help them establish profound connections with their guardian angels. Through these divine interactions, I aim to bring peace, guidance, and positive change to others' lives. Welcome to Angelic Throne, where spiritual guidance and angelic wisdom flourish.

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