most Powerful Guardian Angels

The most Powerful Guardian Angels and their Powers

Written by: The Angelic Throne



Time to read 11 min

Celestial Sentinels: Unveiling the Mighty Guardians of Light

Guardian angels are spiritual entities that are believed to offer guidance, protection, and support to those who seek their help. Throughout history and across various cultures and religions, there have been many powerful guardian angels identified, each with their own unique abilities and areas of influence.

Angels, archangels, guardian angels, they all are here to help us advance in life with their incredible powers we can summon by praying to them. The following is a list of the guardian angels with some special powers that may come in handy.

Guardian Angels according to powers and purposes

Angels for money, abundance & wealth  
  • Haaiah: Fair judgement, wealth through knowledge, politics
  • Yeyayel: Wealth, fame and success, making deals
  • Poiel: obtain desires, fame and fortune
  • Nememiah: Improve prosperity, ease anxiety

Angels for Love & Relations  
  • Haniel is the Angel of Love & Harmony
  • Eshaliah: Create love, discover past, present and future
  • Lovel: generate love, make good decisions, obtain intelligence
  • Yeliel: Passionate sex, calm down arguiing lovers, attract love, ensure fidelity
  • Chavuiah/Chavakiah : Increase love
  • Lehalel: inspire love, attract fame, increase luck in ambition
  • Mihel: Excite physical love
  • Yezelel: Inspires artists, reunites lovers, passing exams

Angels for healing & protection  
  • Archangel Michael is the protection angel
  • Archangel Raphael is the healer of emotional, mental and physical illnesses.
  • Eladiah: Heal diseases, Overcome negativity
  • Mahasiah: bring peace, overcome disease
  • Metzerel: Heal anxiety, improve loyalty
  • Shahahiah: Protection against diseases, maintain health
  • Cahetel: Drive away evil, work with crops and nature
  • Chahuiah: Repel thieves, develop magic
  • Chaamiah/Chaarniah: improve wisdom and physical health
  • Melahel: Heal illness and injury, defend against weapons
  • Rehoel: Regenerate energy
  • Yeilel: Heal sorrow
  • Yabamiah: recovery, inner harmony

Archangels and their individual powers

  • Michael is the protection angel
  • Archangel Gabriel gives us strength when we feel weak, emotional or vulnerable.
  • Zadkiel, angel of mercy helps us to forgive other or ourselves
  • Haniel is the Angel of Love & Harmony
  • Archangel Raphael is the healer of emotional, mental and physical illnesses
  • Samael is the messenger from God, whose name carries death, life and temptation as powers of God.
  • Archangel Metatron: the scribe of God

Guardian angels and their individual powers

  • Kevekiah: Bring peace to the family, ensure friendly sharing
  • Achaiah: Turn enemies into friends, make your business popular
  • Aniel: Create fiction, Create music and art, communication
  • Ariel: Desires through dreams, strong mind planning
  • Anuel: Protect your business, financial deals
  • Aadon - (AKA Aaron, Aarom) Angel of the second Lunar month.
  • Aal - Angel of Mecury.
  • Aal - Angel of Mecury.
  • Aalbiel - Assists the Archangel Michael.
  • Aanfiel - Chief of the crown judgment Angels of the Merkabah.
  • Aariel - This Angels name is found on the amulet of Ophitic.
  • Aba - Assists the Angel Sarabotes the Angel of Friday.
  • Abaddon (AKA: Appolyon) The Angel of the Bottomless Pit. His name means "God's Destroyer"
  • Abachata - One of the Seven Angels of confusion.
  • Abalim - Angel who is a member of the Order of Thrones.
  • Aban - A femal angel in Zoroastriamism.
  • Abariel - Governed by the Archangel Gabriel. Named is also found inscribed on the Second Pentacle of the Moon.
  • Abasdarhon - The ruling Angel of the 5th hour of the night. he reveals the mysteries of the cosmos.
  • Abatha - One of the Angels of confusion together with Mehuman, Barbonah, Bigtha, Biztha, Zethar, and Carcas.
  • Abathur - The Angel of the North Star.
  • Abay - Angel of the 11th hour of the Day.
  • Abdals - A group of Angels in Islamic Lore.
  • Abel - He judges Souls arriving in Heaven. An Angel of the fourth Heaven ruling on the Lord's Day. His name means "Meadow".
  • Abelech - Protects against darkness.
  • Abdia - The name of the Angel that is inscribed in the Pentagram of Solomon.
  • Abrasiel - Angel of the Seventh Hour of the day who changes peoples fortunes for the better.
  • Abraxis - The Angel of health and healing.
  • Abrid - Angel of the Summer Equinox.
  • Abuioro - Reveals rare books if requested. The Angel of the second and third Heavens.
  • Abuliel - The Angel who rules the transmission of prayer to God

Guardian Angels B

  • Baabiel - The Angel serving the First Heaven.
  • Babiel - Angel of the Third Heaven
  • Bachanoe - Angel serving the First Heaven. Has rulership over the day of Monday.
  • Bachiel - The Angel who serves the Fouth Heaven. An Angel of the element of Air who is invoked from the East.
  • Bae - Angel mentioned in the Testement of Solomon. He protects against evil spirits.
  • Bahram - - Angel of victory in all matters. He therefore governs success. The Angel of Victory.
  • Bariel - Angel that governes the 11th hour of the day.
  • Baliel - Angel who is invoked from the North.
  • Ballaton - Related to the Pentagram of Solomon.
  • Banech - - Listed in the Sixth & Seventh Books of Moses. Can bring you jewels of all kinds.
  • Baraborat - Angel of the Planet Mecury.
  • Barachiel - Angel of the Altitudes.
  • Barbonah - One of the Angels of confusion together with Mehuman, Bigtha, Biztha, Abatha, Zethar, and Carcas.
  • Baradiel - One of the princes of the seven heavens. He governs the Third Heaven.
  • Barachiel - Rules the month of February. Governs luck and good fortune.
  • Baraborat - Angel of the Planet Mecury.
  • Baradiel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
  • Barakiel - A Seraphim Angel and ruler of the month of February.
  • Barol - Angel of the 2nd Hour of the Night.
  • Barbiel - Angel who rules the Astrological Sign of Scorpio. He is a Prince of Archangels and Prince of Virtues.
  • Baraqiel - One of the Seven Angels in control of the Seven Heavens. Events on Earth that involves the generation of lightening.
  • Baraqyal - An Angel, member of the Angelic Realm of the Watchers (Grigori) Listed as a "Fallen Angel" He teaches Astrology.
  • Barbiel - Angel of October.
  • Barchiel - Rules Scorpio and Pisces. May be petitioned to develop the trait of compassion and develop the power of healing.
  • Barkiel - Reputed also to rule the month of February, (see Barakiel), and the Angel of Chance.
  • Barpharanges - Governs the spring which is reputed to be the waters of life, therefore has a relationship to the baptismal rite.
  • Baruch - The guadian Angel of the Tree of Life. is name means: "God Blesses".
  • Bat Qol - , An Angel whose name means"heavenly voice."
  • Baciel - Angel of the Fourth Heaven
  • Bactanael - Angel of the First Heaven
  • Batiel - Angel of the Second Heaven
  • Ballyel - Angel of the First Heaven
  • Balyer - Angel of the Second Hevan
  • Barael - Throne Angel
  • Barbatos - Spirit of Air
  • Barbuel - One of the Seven great Princes. He brings treasure of the earth, arts, knowledge, secret knowledge
  • Barchiel - Angel ruling Pisces

Guardian Angels C

  • Cahetel: Drive away evil, work with crops and nature
  • Chahuiah: Repel thieves, develop magic
  • Chaamiah/Chaarniah: improve wisdom and physical health
  • Chavuiah/Chavakiah : Increase love
  • Cababili - Angel of the Fourth Heaven. From Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses.
  • Cabriel - (AKA Cabrael) - Angel who rules the Astrological sign of Aquarius. He rules the Second Heaven.
  • Cael - Angel who rules the Astrological sign of Cancer.
  • Cacmyel - Angel of the Second Heaven. From the Book of the Angel Raziel.
  • Cadulech - Most holy Angels of God who is invoked when conjuring the Sword of Moses
  • Cahetel: Harvest, Fertility, Abundance, Blessings, Protection, Conception, Pregnancy, Destiny, Gratitude, Nature
  • Cahor - The Angel of the 3rd Hour. The Angel of Deception.
  • Cajaiel - Angel who rules the 12th Degree of Pisces
  • Cakiel - Angel who rules the 9th Degree of Taurus.
  • Calcas - Angel of the East of the Fourth Heaven.
  • Caliel - (AKA Calliel) - Angel of the Zodiac sign of Gemini - June 16 to 21.One of the throne Angels serving in the 2nd Heaven.
  • Caila - One of the Angels invoked during rituals to conjure the Archangel Uriel .
  • Calerna - Angel of the 11th hour of the Night.
  • Calloyel - Aangel of the Second Heaven.
  • Calzas - Angel of the Fifth Heaven.
  • Calloyel - Angel of the Second Heaven.
  • Calnamia - Angel of Wednesday, Planet Mercury.
  • Camael - Chief of the Orders of Powers. Has rulership over the Planet Mars.
  • Cambiel - Rules over the Astrological sign of Aquarius. Has dominion over the human traits of intelligence and courage.
  • Cambill - Angel of the 8th hour of the night.
  • Camb - Angel of the Fifth Lunar Month.
  • Cambiel - Angel of Aquarius and of the 9th Hour.
  • Camiriel - Angel of the Element of Air, under the Planet Venus.
  • Cananyn - Angel of wednesday under the planet Mercury.

Guardian Angels D

  • Daniel: Legal decisions, get your message out
  • Dagymiel - Angel ruling Pisces.
  • Dahariel - Guardian of the First Heaven.
  • Dara - Angel of Rain.
  • Dalquiel - One of three princes of the third Heaven. The other two are Jabniel and Rabacyal.
  • Dariel - One of the Angels of Sunday.
  • Damabiah - An Angel of the Order of Angels who has rulership over naval construction.
  • Dameal - Angel who rules the day of Tuesday. Resident in the fifth heaven. He is invoked from the East.
  • Darbyel - Angel of the First Heaven. Sepher Raziel.
  • Degaliel - An Angel who's name is found on the Third Pentacle of the Planet Venus.
  • Derdekea - A female Angel who descends to earth for the salvation of man.
  • Deliel - Angel ruling Aquarius. Governing Angel of the Zodiac. Invoked in magickal prayer. The Almadel of Solomon.
  • Deramiel - Angel of the Third Heaven.
  • Dirachiel - Angel of the Sixth Mansion of the Moon. Ruler of Gemini. Angel: Dirachiel.
  • Dina - This Angel taught humans seventy different languages and is the guardian Angel of the Law (Torah).
  • Diniel - An Angel who is one of the 70 child bed amulet Angels.
  • Djibril in the Koran he is decsribed as a "Faithful Spirit."
  • Dobiel - Angel of Persia.
  • Dohel - One of the Angels who hold the keys to the four corners of the Earth.
  • Donel - One of the numerous Angelic guards of the South Wind.
  • Donahan - Angel who is summoned during magickal rites.
  • Dorannel - Angel of the Third Heaven. Sepher Raziel.

Guardian Angels E

  • Elemiah: Stop mental torment, travel safely
  • Eladiah: Heal diseases, Overcome negativity
  • Eshaliah: Create love, discover past, present and future

Guardian Angels H

  • Heziel: Obtain friendship of important people, protect against hidden enemies
  • Hakemiah: stop oppresors, acquiere respect and dignity
  • Hariel: Improve magical power
  • Hahaiah: Overcome adversity, find answers in dreams
  • Haaiah: Fair judgement, wealth through knowledge, politics
  • Hahahel: Strengthen inner nature
  • Hachasiah: Handle complex projects, clarity of thought
  • Harachel: Fertility, Influence busines people and press
  • Hayiel: repel curses, control with magic
  • Haziel: Forgiveness, Innocence, Peace, Mercy, Friendship, Commitment, Grace, Harmony, Reconciliation

Guardian Angels I

  1. Iyahel: Increase fame, break free when stuck
  2. Iehuiah

Guardian Angels K

  • Keliel: Avoid enemies, confuse enemies
  • Kevekiah: Bring peace to the family, ensure friendly sharing

Guardian Angels L

  • Lelahel: inspire love, attract fame, increase luck in ambition
  • Lauviah: Find true fans, overcome enemies, fame through talent
  • Lavel: Create music, design and invent like a genius
  • Lovel: generate love, make good decisions, obtain intelligence
  • Lecabel: Inspirational ideas
  • Lehachiah: stop anger, inspire faithfulness
  • Leliel: peace and tranquility into your life, relationships and unions, divorce and break ups, conflict resolution, communication, support.

Guardian Angels M

  • Mahasiah: Fairness, Dreams, Learning, Self Reflection, Simplicity, Synchronicities, Divine Order, Wickedness, Ignorance, Regret, Forgiveness
  • Mebahel: avoid injustice, reveal enemies
  • Melahel: Heal illness and injury, defend against weapons
  • Menadel: Keep your job, maintain your career
  • Michel: Influence the powerful
  • Mihel: Excite physical love
  • Mivahiah: Win awards, help another
  • Mitzrael: Heal anxiety, improve loyalty
  • Machiel: Marketing
  • Menakel: Clear tought, sleep well
  • Mumiah: Protection during magic rituals

Guardian Angels N

  • Nelchael: Stop slander, subdue negativity
  • Nithaiah: Empower your magic, discover hidden secrets, revelations in dreams
  • Nenael: Improve skills
  • Nitel: stability & fame
  • Nememiah: Improve prosperity, ease anxiety

Guardian Angels O

  • Omael: Willpower
  • Omemiah: Weaken enemies, research capacity

Guardian Angels P

  • Pahaliah: find balance, experience joy, find your spiritual path
  • Poiel: obtain desires, fame and fortune

Guardian Angels R

  • Riyiyel: Discover secret information
  • Rehoel: Regenerate energy
  • Raahel: Increase fame and reputation
  • Rochel: for finding lost objects

Guardian Angels S

  • Sachiel:
  • Sitael: Protect against adversity, discover truth, find employment
  • Shahahiah: Protection against diseases, maintain health
  • Sealiah: Uncover curses, improve education

Guardian Angels U

Guardian Angels V

  • Vehuiah: Leadership, taking initiative, starting a new project, starting your own business or a new career, gaining abundance, and creative projects.
  • Vesheriah: protect against the unfair, empower artists
  • Vevaliah: Destroy enemies, reputation of power

Guardian Angels Y

  • Yeliel: Passionate sex, calm down arguiing lovers, attract love, ensure fidelity
  • Yezelel: Inspires artists, reunites lovers, passing exams
  • Yeyayel: Wealth, fame and success, making deals
  • Yeretel: Write like an expert, spread knowledge, fame through writing
  • Yichuiah: see the truth, manifest materal desires
  • Yeyizel: improve physic ability
  • Yelahiah: put the mind to ease, improve business matters
  • Vehuel: Know anothers toughts, make someone humble, dominate strong personalities
  • Yeilel: Heal sorrow
  • Yahahel: Wisdom & knowledge, keep secrets
  • Yabamiah: recovery, inner harmony

As you can see most guardian angels have several powers, and some share the same ones. Just select the ones you feel the most appropriates.

Connect with your Angel

Angel attunements, amulets, and codexes are powerful spiritual tools designed to align your energy with divine forces, offering protection, guidance, and healing. These sacred items help to bridge the gap between the earthly and spiritual realms, allowing you to tap into higher frequencies for clarity, peace, and empowerment. By wearing an amulet or engaging with a codex, you invite angelic energies into your life, providing a constant source of support and protection against negativity. Meanwhile, angel attunements work to fine-tune your spiritual vibrations, enhancing your connection with guardian angels and boosting your intuitive abilities. Together, these tools create a comprehensive spiritual practice that not only shields you from harm but also opens pathways to spiritual growth, inner wisdom, and profound transformation.


Golden Cloud

My name is Golden Cloud, and I am an angelic medium. I have the unique privilege of communicating with angels and archangels who entrust me with vital information and specific instructions. My role is to assist individuals by offering spiritual support through prayers, providing specially blessed amulets, and crafting protective talismans and charms. Additionally, I guide people in spiritual initiations and help them establish profound connections with their guardian angels. Through these divine interactions, I aim to bring peace, guidance, and positive change to others' lives. Welcome to Angelic Throne, where spiritual guidance and angelic wisdom flourish.

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