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Create a direct connection with this beautifull guardian angel. This video has a duration of 30 minutes and includes the latin psalm and summoning phrase that will allow you to experience the presence of the guardian angel.
Connections with guardian angels provide comfort, security, protection and the energy of it's powers.
Feeling the presence of such a powerfull spirit is a unique experience. You just need to watch the video and listen to the summoning. The Video ends with a small meditation that allows you to deepen even more the connection and receive all its benefits
These angel aura connections can be used by everyone, even if the angel is not even close to your birthday. They all have a regency period where they are available for everyone as well as the planets which corresponds to the days they an be summoned by any person who needs the comfort of the angel.
These are the planets and corresponding days
- Sunday - sun
- Monday - moon
- Tuesday - Mars
- Wednesday - Mercury
- Thursday - Jupiter
- Friday - Venus
- Saturday - Saturn
Aniel is the 37th angel of the 72 guardian angels. The name Aniel translates to “Joy of God”. People born between September 24th to September 28th are under this angel's guardianship during their lifetime. Aniel is the god of breaking free from old patterns. People born under this angel are known for going through metamorphosis many times during their lifetime. They are like a phoenix rising from the ashes, as they strip themselves of their old ways of being and let go of what no longer serves them. Renewal and rejuvenation is an important process that these people put themselves through. Because of this, they also have the ability to help others overcome their struggles. These people make create therapists and counsellors because they can help influence others to let go of negative ways of thinking and limiting belief systems. They also love to assist others through the different cycles of life, such as birth, death, and the different challenges and obstacles we face during our lifetimes.
Aniel is the angel of karma, and gives their people a deep understanding of cause and effect. They understand that every action has a consequence and have the ability to predict how certain choices may play out based on their intuition. They believe that the energy you put out is the energy that you will receive or experience in your own life and make an effort to live with integrity and think about their actions before acting. Aniel provides people with new ways of thinking and inspirational ideas. If you are struggling mentally, or feeling blocked creatively, call upon Aniel to help relieve your mental barriers. Those born under Aniel have a strong sense of their independence. They understand the impact of free-will and consciously make choices that enable them to create their own reality.
People that have struggled greatly with serious issues, such as sexual abuse, emotional trauma, and addiction, will benefit from working with Aniel. This angel provides relief and healing of these past traumas and purifies the emotions and memories surrounding them. This allows you to no longer be weighted down by the past and can live their life with a new sense of freedom and wholeness. Anyone struggling with negative forces, demonic energies, or painful emotions should also call upon Aniel. They will help remove these energies from your life and make space for positive, healing energy. People born under this angel make great spiritual leaders, healers, doctors, massage therapists, and energy workings. They naturally understand how to remove energy blockages due to their association with Aniel's guardianship. They are on this earth to help others feel ease and safety.
Powers: Healing, Emotions, Breaking Old Patterns, Cycles of life, Karma, Cause and Effect, Free Will.
Psalms 26:8
Lord, I love the house where you live, he place where your glory dwells
- Type of angel Chamuel
- Prince: Camael
- Planet: Mars and Sun
- Color: Blue and Red
- Plant: Rosemary, Saffron
- Metal: Iron
- Stone: Topaz, Tourmaline
- Regency: 13th February, 27th April, 11th July, 23rd September and 4th December